No matter how experienced the practitioner, seasoned the team, or adaptable the organization, your trade-craft is perishable and your exposure is real. You have assumed responsibilities to prepare your people with knowledge, best practices and higher learning to protect themselves and those in their care.

Støne provides three multipurpose training sites in Slovenia, Israel and Kenya through long-standing strategic partnerships. We specialize in tailored and certified courses to fit your team’s exclusive requirements. For organizations or teams based at international locations, Støne has a highly experienced mobile instructor team ready to deploy.

Our senior training team and partner element consists of UN approved, multi-body accredited and ex special operations instructors who have lead trainings designed for every imaginable environment and local dynamic across the globe.

Global Organizations and NGOs
  • HEAT programs (UN approved TDCs)
  • SSAFE programs (UK Level 3 Education & Training)
  • Personal Security Awareness / Family Security Awareness
  • Defensive & Evasive driving
  • Trauma basic / Trauma advanced / TECC
  • Remote / expedition
  • Tailored modules for yacht crews / aircrew / media crews / executive and close protection teams with heavy emphasis on RBT (reality based training)
  • Covert protection
  • Surveillance detection
  • Executive and close protection team package – Refresher / Up-skilling / RBT (reality based training)
  • Security driver certification
Støne Services
Støne Corporate.
Creating safe spaces for your decision makers
STØNE family office.
From round table to reality
STØNE secure transport.
You want A to B, we add plan C and D
STØNE remote.
If you wish to go, let us go ahead
STØNE consulting.
Change is the only constant
STØNE crisis.
Planning is essential but options make the difference
STØNE training.
Learning is growing. Stay ahead of the curve