Remote does not mean unsafe. Remote just means thinking bigger picture. Do you understand the bigger picture and are you implementing a robust plan to cover all the what ifs?

Støne has analyzed, advised and guided the path to safe and successful missions in all corners of the globe. As you enter uncharted territory or bring your company focus to a locality off grid, we advocate the necessity of multidisciplinary intelligence based approaches as our baseline. Information gathering at the micro level is a key component and the power of local relationship building is the cornerstone to taking your first steps.

Remote Services

  • Travel risk advisory (Planning phase and remote command)
  • Field security trip leader (on ground personnel support)
  • Project risk manager (Short term & Long)
  • Field medic support
  • Logistics support services (vehicles, helos, fixed-wing)
  • Emergency and contingency planning
  • Emergency extraction capabilities & Crisis management support
  • Equipment procurement and support (Medical, communications etc)
Støne Services
Støne Corporate.
Creating safe spaces for your decision makers
STØNE family office.
From round table to reality
STØNE secure transport.
You want A to B, we add plan C and D
STØNE remote.
If you wish to go, let us go ahead
STØNE consulting.
Change is the only constant
STØNE crisis.
Planning is essential but options make the difference
STØNE training.
Learning is growing. Stay ahead of the curve