Genuine crisis capacity, if built to be robust, flexible, timely and guarantee a quantifibale level of success, will need to stand on a number key pillars. Many organizations, whether a global entity with its own crisis management unit or a risk management firm with relevant product and service offerings, usaully build and maintin their own functionailty and capacity based off four integral parts:

  1. Intelligence and monitoring
  2. Preparation
  3. Operationalization of response
  4. Ultimate recovery

Our offering at Støne is not to re-write stratergies nor to complicate the systems that are being used by our clients or indusry peers, although we will happily advise if specific CONOPS (Concept of Operations) are required. Instead, we add value by bringing direct end-mile solutions during the operationalization and recovery phases.

In order to be realisitc in our service offerings we partner with a global specialist with 20+ years experience providing solutions to complex operations, specificually mass evacuation by land, air and sea.

Together we have performed recent, significant and successful evacuations via the provision and co-ordination of the following support elements:
  • Ground moves, escort and authorized boarder exfiltration
  • Airlifts with mulitple airframe options offering capacity for large pax range and operability across austere airfield conditions
  • Vessel provison, co-ordinated loading and disembarking with handover to host nation / soverign state support
  • Procurment and delivery of critical life support resources (Eg. Fuel, water, food provisons, cooking fuel and medical supplies)
Støne Services
Støne Corporate.
Creating safe spaces for your decision makers
STØNE family office.
From round table to reality
STØNE secure transport.
You want A to B, we add plan C and D
STØNE remote.
If you wish to go, let us go ahead
STØNE consulting.
Change is the only constant
STØNE crisis.
Planning is essential but options make the difference
STØNE training.
Learning is growing. Stay ahead of the curve