Vulnerability, likelihood and criticality all meet when in transit. No matter how benign the environment, in transit means at-risk. So why is transport, for the most part, seen merely as an A to B service….?

Whether on a multi-country agenda attending high level meetings with national stakeholders or traveling through new and unfamiliar spaces with your loved ones; our teams peel back the layers and begin planning long before you touch the ground. Trained personnel, approved vehicles, vetted aircraft providers and contingency plans to cover all eventualities. Everything is considered and built around your A to B.

Secure Transport

  • Discreet, trained, vetted and operationally experienced drivers
  • Security aware & time conscious
  • Emergency planning (medical, security, crisis events)
  • Route planning and route analysis
  • Armored vehicle provision
  • Aircraft charter (Helo & fixed-wing)
Støne Services
Støne Corporate.
Creating safe spaces for your decision makers
STØNE family office.
From round table to reality
STØNE secure transport.
You want A to B, we add plan C and D
STØNE remote.
If you wish to go, let us go ahead
STØNE consulting.
Change is the only constant
STØNE crisis.
Planning is essential but options make the difference
STØNE training.
Learning is growing. Stay ahead of the curve